West Virginia Italian Heritage Festival

West Virginia Italian Heritage Festival

Celebrating culture and tradition since 1979

2025 Royal Court Application


All members must meet the following criteria:
  • Be of Italian descent: adopted children that have a parent of Italian descent are accepted.
  • Never have been married nor have borne a child.
  • Member, their parents and/or grandparents must be residents of West Virginia or former residents of the state.
  • No visible tattoos, facial piercings, ear gauges or body piercings.
Meet the age requirements as of August 29, 2025 as follows:
  • Senior Court: High School Freshman (9th grade) and up to age 25 at Festival time
  • Junior Court: Grades 6-8 at Festival time
  • Minor Court: Ages 6-10 at Festival time
Be able to accept the financial obligation of the acceptance as follows:
  • Senior Court: $100.00
  • Junior Court: $100.00
  • Minor Court: $75.00

Acceptance fees include the cost of flowers/accessories for Festival weekend and ONE Gala Ticket for Court Member (April). More information will follow.

Be able to accept the financial obligation of the gown/tux to be worn during the Coronation Ceremony, Parade and Mass (design and style of gown/tux will be chosen by the respective committee).

Provide or pay for overnight lodging, if necessary.

Formal headshots of each court member will be taken at the Spring Gala to be used in press releases and the WVIHF Souvenir Book. If you are not able to be photographed that evening, you must provide a professional headshot with solid or black background to wvihfbook@gmail.com (in JPEG format) by May 15.

Attend all designated events as noted below:
  • Friday, April 19, 2025 - Deadline for Reservations for Spring Gala (*No walk-ins or last-minute reservations*)
  • Saturday, April 26, 2025 - Spring Gala-Court Announcements*
  • Thursday, August 28, 2025 Coronation - Rehearsal for Coronation
  • Friday, August 29, 2025 - Coronation
  • Saturday, August 30, 2025 - Grand Parade
  • Sunday, August 31, 2025 - Outdoor Mass

* As a Court Member of Regina Maria, you are expected to be at all listed events*

The Festival, in long standing tradition, holds Regina Maria and her court members in high regard and in return expects them to possess high moral standards exemplifying, to the fullest extent, the ideals of Italian-Americans in West Virginia.


BETWEEN COURT MEMBER and the West Virginia Italian Heritage Festival, hereinafter referred to as FESTIVAL.

COURT MEMBER certifies and/or agrees to the following:
  • I attest that I am a citizen of the United States of America and that I, my parents and/or grandparents currently reside in or were former residents of West Virginia.
  • I have never been married, had a marriage annulled, or have a child.
  • I attest that I will be within the age requirements as of August 29, 2025.
  • I am of good moral character.
  • I have not been arrested and/or convicted of any crime.
  • I have no visible tattoos, facial piercings, ear gauges, body piercings.
  • I am of Italian descent, or an adopted child with a parent of Italian descent.
COURT MEMBER agreements:
  • I agree to cooperate with the duly appointed chairperson of my specific court.
  • I agree to participate in all activities required by said event.
  • I will provide my own lodging and meals during the FESTIVAL and other related activities (other than those designated functions where the FESTIVAL is providing my meal).
  • I understand that I am responsible for paying the application fee and will include it with this application.
  • I understand that I am responsible for paying for my gown/tux to be worn during FESTIVAL functions.
  • I agree to not incur any debts on behalf of the FESTIVAL.
  • I agree not to be photographed as a representative of the FESTIVAL for any publication without consent from the FESTIVAL. Furthermore, any photographs of the Queen's Court, which refer to the FESTIVAL, must be reviewed and approved by the Chairperson before being distributed to the public.
  • I agree not to endorse, as a COURT MEMBER, any products, companies, or organizations, without written permission of the FESTIVAL.

By signing this agreement, I am authorizing use of my image/my child's image in print and media for the purpose of marketing the WVIHF. If legal ramifications prevent this capability, please explain this necessary redaction at the bottom of this sheet. We will make every effort to ensure this is upheld.


With my signature, I certify that I have read this agreement and understand it. I further understand that in the event I do not fulfill ANY of the above agreement, UNLESS EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES* PREVAIL, the FESTIVAL shall have the right to terminate this agreement and select a successor at its discretion.

*The FESTIVAL Board of Directors shall define extenuating circumstances.



Please specify if any listed family members are deceased. Information will be used for press releases.



  • Complete each section to create your biography for use in the souvenir book and announcements at the Spring Gala and Coronation.
  • We kindly ask that biographies are no more than 200 words in length once all sections are combined.
  • Please copy and paste each prompt and replace bold sections with your information.
  • Make sure the biography is written exactly as you wish for it to appear in the Festival Souvenir Book and read at events.
  • If interested in providing additional information about the court member, you may purchase an additional ad in the Festival Souvenir Book.

First Middle Last is the daughter/son/child of father and mother of current city (and if separated or remarried father and mother of current city), and brother/sister to siblings (optional and if applicable).
*If a family member is deceased, please list as "the late" and place their name after their living partner.*
Firstname's paternal grandparents are paternal grandfather and paternal grandmother of current city, and maternal grandparents are maternal grandfather and maternal grandmother of current city.
*If a family member is deceased, please list as "the late" and place their name after their living partner.*
Firstname's Italian family/lineage originates from his/her great/great-great-grandparents (or other relative) from Italian Town/Commune > Province > Region, Italy.
Firstname is a currently student at SCHOOL this spring and will attend SCHOOL this fall (if different from spring). He/she attends CHURCH or COMMUNITY GROUP in CITY, STATE. He/she enjoys/is part of (list no more than FOUR community/extracurricular activities).
After finishing high school, Firstname plans to...or has...
  • College major/career plans if applicable.
  • Foreign language programs or studies abroad if applicable.
  • Community service.
In his/her free time, Firstname enjoys Activity 1, Activity 2, Activity 3 (no more than three).
Choose ONE:
  1. Firstname's favorite part/memory of the festival is.... (one thing).
  2. Firstname's favorite Italian-American tradition is.... (one thing).
  3. Firstname looks forward to following his/her relation + relative's name who served on the court in YEAR.
If you have additional information that you would like to include in the biography, please write it below.
*This extra information may replace one of the above sections to allow for consistency and time purposes*
I affirm that submitting this form constitutes my electronic signature.